Speaking Engagement: RMISC
I will be speaking at RMISC this May; my talk is titled: Hidden trust, a "dark web" of trust relationships that your organization doesn't know about.
The talk will begin with a brief summary will be provided on the current state-of-the-art in kernel, firmware and hypervisor-level attacks and defenses and how the . . .
Speaking Engagement: INFILTRATE
I will be speaking at INFILTRATE this April; my talk is titled: "HARES: Hardened Anti-Reverse Engineering System ".
The talk will describe a prototype anti-reverse engineering technique providing a method to seamlessly execute AES-encrypted applications with neither the key nor any decrypted instructions residing in . . .
Speaking Engagement: Syscan 2015
I will be speaking at Syscan this March; my talk is titled: "HARES: Hardened Anti-Reverse Engineering System ".
The talk will describe a prototype anti-reverse engineering technique providing a method to seamlessly execute AES-encrypted applications with neither the key nor any decrypted instructions residing in accessible . . .
Speaking Engagement: TROOPERS'15
I will be speaking at TROOPERS this March; my talk is titled: "The foundation is rotting and the basement is flooding: A deeper look at the implicit trust relationships in your organization".
The talk will begin with a new hardware-level attack on PCIe as an example for the implicit trust organizations place in 3rd parties. . . .
Chess Vs. Poker
Or: why we're playing the wrong game
Nota Bene: This post is a summary of a disconnection I've noticed in the information security community (myself included) and has been influenced by discussions with others, namely Prof. Bratus; please consider this an invitation to dialogue or comment, and not a one-size-fits all argument.
Having spent a busy spring and summer . . .
Con-a-thon Talk Notes
In my last post, I provided a high-level summary of each of the three Las Vegas conferences, but no real technical meat about what I learned while in the desert. I'm going to take a few moments to type some notes or musings about the talks I attended for posterity.
- Skull And Bones (And Warez) - Secret . . .
Reflections on a Las Vegas Con-a-thon
Or: BSidesLV, Black Hat and DEF CON
I have survived a week in the hot desert and returned safely and smoothly to the Mile High. While the memories are still fresh, I wanted to reflect on my time at the three large conferences and what I liked, what I didn't and lessons learned.
Formed initially as an answer to the other conferences getting too . . .